You can copy and paste several texts at once with Gboard – no additional application is needed.
It is obvious that copy-pasting in mobile-touch devices were always a headache.
Once you copied new piece of text, previous one is lost forever.
Some third-party applications are solving this problem, but using third party app means switching between apps or additional memory usage. (or privacy issue, as you give your text to some unknown 3rd party app)
Now you can do this via Google Keyboard, as built-in feature.
To use the new GBoard clipboard manager, click on the Google logo icon at the top of the keyboard.
Use the button with three dots to open additional tools.

In the “Clipboard” section you will see a few of the last saved fragments.
You can insert any of them into your text with one touch.
If you hold your finger on any element, additional commands will appear that can be used to delete the selected fragment or, conversely, to fix it in the buffer for permanent use.
As of October 2018, the new clipboard manager is still at the testing stage, and for now it is available only to a limited circle of users.
You can also join by downloading the Gboard beta. To do this, on the application page in Google Play, you must click on the link “Become a beta tester“.