This can be done with plugins, there might be such plugins. But you can aldo do it with one simple sql query.
update your_wp_prefix_term_relationships set term_taxonomy_id= (select term_taxonomy_id from your_wp_prefix_term_taxonomy where term_id=_ID_NEW_) where term_taxonomy_id= (select term_taxonomy_id from your_wp_prefix_term_taxonomy where term_id=_ID_OLD_)
This mysql code is for mysql editors of course.
Running this code via php:
<?php $wpdb->query( " update $wpdb->term_relationships set term_taxonomy_id= (select term_taxonomy_id from $wpdb->term_taxonomy where term_id=_ID_NEW_) where term_taxonomy_id= (select term_taxonomy_id from $wpdb->term_taxonomy where term_id=_ID_OLD_) " ); ?>